FAQs for Gitche Gumee Bible Camp
We've tried to answer common questions here. If you have additional questions or would like a question added to our FAQ list contact us here.
Is Gitche Gumee Bible Camp licensed?
Gitche Gumee Bible Camp is fully licensed by the State of Michigan and meets all requirements and criteria required for youth camps. Ask any further questions here.
Is there medical staff at Gitche Gumee Bible Camp?
During Youth Camp we staff a full-time nurse who is available 24/7 to provide emergency and basic care for the campers. The nurse is present at all meals and activities to distibute prescribed medication and care as needed. We do not provide a nurse during Family Camp, Adventure Camp, or Senior Saints.
What other health and safety precautions are in place?
Our program is designed for fun and safety for your camper. During Youth Camp we provide a certified lifeguard during scheduled times at our beach. Our kitchen is managed by a food safety certified chef. Although safety is our goal, swimming during Family Camp, Adventure Camp, and Senior Saints is at your own risk.
What is Gitche Gumee Bible Camp's doctrinal statement?
We are a non-denominational Christian organization with tenets holding closest to baptistic theology. You can find our full doctrinal statement here.
Is there any financial assistance available for campers?
We are proud to be able to offer the Charles Hart Youth Scholarship for our guests at Gitche Gumee Bible Camp. This scholarship is only available for our Youth Camp guests and is therefore not currently available for our Family Camps. For more information and to apply download the scholarship click here!